Trax on the Trail and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame join forces to bring you Rock & Roll to the White House

Kassie Kelly (Trax Education and Outreach Coordinator) and Dana Gorzelany-Mostak (Trax Creator and Co-editor) join forces with Leah Branstetter (Rock Hall Digital Education Coordinator), Mandy Smith (Rock Hall Education Programs Manager), Kathryn Metz (Rock Hall Manager of Education Outreach) and Deanna Nebel (Rock Hall Education Instructor) to bring you an exciting and timely lesson unitContinue reading “Trax on the Trail and Rock & Roll Hall of Fame join forces to bring you Rock & Roll to the White House”

Songs in the Key of President C

A Short History of Music on the Campaign Trail (Digital Lecture) From the 1840 bid of William Henry Harrison, who was “sung into office,” to Donald Trump, who entered the 2016 Republican National Convention to Queen’s “We Are the Champions,” music has played a significant role in presidential campaign pageantry. This lecture traces the historyContinue reading “Songs in the Key of President C”

Pop Songs on Political Platforms

November 2, 2017 Our project on pop songs and political campaigning began in the fall of 2015, when we decided to work on a campaign music article that we could present at the Music and Entertainment Industry Educators Association (MEIEA) Conference in April 2016. We thought that it was especially appropriate, since the conference thatContinue reading “Pop Songs on Political Platforms”

Campaign Music 101 in the Music History Classroom

Teaching Music History Conference, Berklee College of Music, Boston, MA, June 11, 2017 Presenters Dana Gorzelany-Mostak (Georgia College), Naomi Graber (University of Georgia), Hanna Lisa Stefansson (University of Georgia), Cameron Steuart (University of Georgia), Mary Helen Hoque (University of Georgia), Sarah Kitts (Georgia College), and Kassie Kelly (Trinity University) gave a workshop on how toContinue reading “Campaign Music 101 in the Music History Classroom”

Popular Music in U.S. Presidential Commercials

Candidates typically enter the rally stage to a pop song, but what happens when they use these tunes in their commercials? In this lesson plan, Joanna Love (University of Richmond) offers discussion points and activities for teachers of non-majors who wish to explore the role pop music plays in branding the candidate.