Donald Trump, Jackie Evancho, and the Performance of Embattled Whiteness

January 18, 2017 You can access this essay at Musicology Now. Interested in learning more about inauguration music? Please check out Musicology Now’s other inauguration-related essays. And join Musicology Now for their live blog event which will start on January 19th and continue into inauguration day. Musicology Now is a blog sponsored by the AmericanContinue reading “Donald Trump, Jackie Evancho, and the Performance of Embattled Whiteness”

The Trump Bump II: Satire, Remix Culture, and User-generated Campaign Musical Posts

January 12, 2017 In a previous contribution to Trax on the Trail, I noted that Donald Trump had received “more nightly [i.e. televisual] news attention than all of the Democratic campaigns combined,” and “unquestionably more attention online than any other Republican candidate.”[i] As the official Republican presidential candidate, Trump continued to garner extensive audiovisual coverage, butContinue reading “The Trump Bump II: Satire, Remix Culture, and User-generated Campaign Musical Posts”